
Key Benefits & Advantages

  • Designed specifically for markets where food safety and security are important
  • We achieve a cost savings because our warehouses consume 1/3 of the steel of conventional steel systems
  • Most cost effective grain and refrigerated storage available on the market today
  • Innovative Pre-Engineered modular design (Patent Pending)
  • All steel construction provides durability and long service life
  • Easily integrated with conventional materials, such as, block or precast concrete walls
  • Secured and monitored storage prevents losses due to spoilage, insects, rodents, and theft
  • Modular design allows for scalable and fully flexible storage that meet customer needs
  • Can accommodate both dry and refrigerated storage in any configuration
  • Designed to be energy self-sufficient providing independent, stand-alone operation
  • Only product specifically designed to use various sources for energy from solar, to generators to wind
  • Can incorporate passive venting and controls
  • Designed to meet specific load requirements, building codes and other local specifications
  • Meets ISO 9000-2000 quality certification
  • Warehouses anchored to poured concrete slabs
  • Can accommodate both bulk and bag storage
  • Warehouse construction materials easily loaded and unloaded
  • Warehouse can be manufactured and erected faster and easier than any competing product and structures
  • Assembly of the grain or refrigerated storage warehouse does not require a specialized skilled labor force since they rely on bolt-in-place rather than welded construction
  • Complies with all USAID standards and specifications

In short, in terms of total cost, materials used, weight, transportability and simplicity and speed of installation, it’s a far superior product to what is otherwise available today.

Automated Environmental Controls

  • The unit can be automated using with State-of–the –Art technology that is PC based and able to control, monitor and record the temperature and humidity from anywhere in the world.
  • Grain moisture content and temperature are the primary factors affecting grain deterioration in storage. If these factors are not properly monitored and controlled, grain quality can deteriorate quickly due to mold growth, rot, sprouting and insect infestation.
  • Grain storage automation hardware and software is essential to monitor the environmental conditions that can affect the quality and life of your crops. It enhances the ability to store grain longer with confidence to get the highest possible market premiums. The net result is a significantly improved bottom line.
  • Automated environmental controls can be used to create a specialized controlled atmosphere for grain, produce and perishables.
  • Automated environmental controls carry out routine measurements automatically. Highly accurate sensors read ambient air humidity and temperature at various locations in the storage unit and control the air flow based on a preset goal for the moisture level of the grain.
  • Real time automated grain storage monitoring/data management makes it possible to remotely gather and analyze the facility conditions and detect and correct problems early to keep the quality of your inventory for highest possible market value.
  • Monitor temperature, moisture, gas, insect detection, weather. Control aeration fans, ventilation, and heaters from remote locations.
  • Controls can be set to give an alarm when any grain storage parameter is breached so that corrective action can be taken immediately. It provides timely warnings of equipment failure, minimising the risk of spoiled stock.
  • Additionally, monitors can control access and egress to prevent unwanted breach of your grain storage facility and theft of the inventory.