
in the News

September 4, 2014 - Food Security Receives A Boost, As FG Launches Silo Complex

Leadership Newspaper (PDF) Food security is recognised as central to any nation’s security. The uncertainties that perennially beset any food-insecure nation derive, in part, from inadequacies associated with activities off-field, affecting food storage. On the flip side, developed countries devote quality policy support to food storage which, in turn, guarantees their all-year-round supply of food. [...]

September 1, 2014 - David Blumberg interview about Blumberg Grain investments and projects in Egypt

David Blumberg interview with Alhurra TV August 27th 2014, Blumberg invests $ 250 Million in Egypt

August 26, 2014 - Blumberg Grain on CNBC 8/26

CNBC “I want to show you this one thing: How big is this show? You’re seeing the Egyptian Minister of Supply who has come to Iowa to further a multi-billion dollar deal to buy secure storage bins from Blumberg Grain for their grain. Egypt is the biggest wheat importer in the world, but loses as [...]


CairoScene (PDF) Egypt’s bread crisis could soon be resolved by Blumberg Capital, which is launching a new venture in Egypt to introduce new nationwide storage facilities that are set to prevent spoilage and reduce price volatility. It was Marie Antionette who once said let them eat cake – well now a US business tycoon could [...]

August 12, 2014 - The American who wants to save Egypt’s bread

Blumberg recently reached a deal with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to build 164 grain storage facilities designed to prevent spoilage, reduce price volatility and eventually lead to a local commodities exchange.

“It’s crazy,” the American investor said. “The largest wheat buyer in the world is constrained by storage.”

August 3, 2014 - Minister of Supply: 3 major projects for the storage of wheat at a cost of 3 billion and 206 million pounds

President Abdel Fattah Sisi held two meetings today with Dr. Khaled Hanafi Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, the first, a group of international investors to set up 3 major investment projects, and the second a meeting with the youth and leaders of the Ministry of Supply and its affiliates.

- Sisi with the Head of Blumberg for 3 projects for the storage of grain and fruit

The meeting was aimed at review and discuss three major projects, including the creation of the company’s first factory for storage technology in the Middle East, which will serve the local market, and targets integration with the national project of the giant development axis at the Suez Canal, as well as providing opportunities to export to the Arab countries and African countries, where the project will the world’s largest in its field, and direct investments worth 100 million dollars.

June 23, 2014 - Blumberg Grain Links with The Corporate Council on Africa

Blumberg Grain said that it has joined The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), a organization developing and strengthening business relationships between the United States and Africa.

June 10, 2014 - Food Safety and Security Leader Blumberg Grain Joins The Corporate Council on Africa

Blumberg Grain, a global leader in food safety and security, has joined The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), the leading trade organization developing and strengthening business relationships between the United States and Africa.

May 13, 2014 - Rock Star in a Hard Place

“You just missed an investor who is thinking of investing in Nigeria,” she said as we sat down at a round mahogany table overlooking Pennsylvania Avenue. Okonjo-Iweala, 59, was wearing a bright green head-wrap and matching cotton dress, the traditional garb of Nigeria’s Igbo ethnic group. “Blumberg Grain,” she said, adjusting her wire-rim glasses, “$250 million investment.”

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