
Blumberg Grain to Set Up Export Hub in West Africa

Raman Media Network

The Government of Ghana and Blumberg Grain have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in the undertaking of the company’s West Africa manufacturing plant and export hub, which the government of Ghana is proposing to be located in the northern regions of Ghana.

The hub includes the large scale production and distribution of Blumberg Grain’s food security storage warehouses and network management systems to address increasing the nation’s agricultural output and reducing post-harvest losses.

The manufacturing plant, to be built at Blumberg Grain’s expense, without government subsidy or financing, will create 1000 new jobs, contribute to the increase of the country’s exports, and be a catalyst for large scale manufacturing in West Africa.

Blumberg Grain, a leading US based Food Security company, emphasizes best practices in its manufacturing workplace, as well as training and skills advancement, says the company.

The hub will also include an Agriculture and Farming Institute in cooperation with Iowa State University, the Ghana Food and Agriculture Ministry, Ghanaian educational institutions and NGOs, with the purpose of providing farmers access to the best techniques and technology to increase quantity and quality of farming production.

Phase two of the hub project contemplates investments by Blumberg Grain in private farms with introduction of high yield farming technology and development of Blumberg Grain food processing facilities.

Ghana’s Minister of Trade and Industry, Haruna Iddrisu, and Minister of Food and Agriculture, Clement Kofi Humado, executed the agreement with Blumberg Grain chairman and CEO, Philip Blumberg in Accra on Friday, July 5th.

Mr. Blumberg said the company targets its West African manufacturing plant and export hub to be up and operating at the beginning of next year and plans to conclude final country and site selection in the next few weeks.

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